May 4, 2017

Internal organization – WPA Member Governance

Every WPA member has the same rights and responsibilities. The members of the WPA will be only national and international organizations representing mainly not-for-profit pension providers.

The decisions of the WPA are taken by an Executive Committee made up of one representative from each member.

The members normally hold four plenary meetings: three virtual (via Zoom) and one in-person. In addition to plenary meetings, the members of the WPA constantly interact through electronic means in order to exchange information and prepare joint positions.

Each year the Executive Committee elects one member of the WPA to serve as Chair. To ensure that each geographical region of the world is fairly represented, each successive Chair must be located in a different continent than the previous Chair. The Executive Committee also elects one member of the WPA to serve as Vice Chair for the year. The Vice Chair will serve as Chair in the following year to provide leadership continuity.

The current Chair of the WPA 2024-2025 is Ms. Susan Bird, from the Multi-Employer Benefit Plan Council of Canada (MEBCO) and the Vice Chair is Karol Fernández, from the International Federation of Pension Funds Administrators (FIAP). The WPA Chair in 2023-2024 was Mr. Matti Leppälä, from PensionsEurope.

In addition to the Chair, the WPA also has a Coordinator who collects inputs and requests from members, supports the Chair in his/her work, facilitates the drafting of WPA common positions, and organizes the meetings of the WPA together with the Chair.

Supporters and members of the main participating organizations (“members of WPA members”)

Other organizations not meeting the requirements for being members of the WPA such as single providers might take part in the work of the WPA as “supporters.”

WPA supporters do not participate in the governance of the WPA, and shall be not authorized to speak on behalf of the WPA.

The admission criteria and the status features of the supporters, as well as their tasks and role within the Alliance, shall be unanimously agreed by the members of the WPA.

In some specific situations, members of the participating organizations (members of WPA members) may be temporarily invited to participate in an advisory capacity with respect to specific working groups or initiatives, in order to provide their expertise and technical support on specific issues. Unlike the supporters, the participation of those organizations shall be temporary and limited to the duration of the activities of the specific working group or initiative for which they were invited to provide their technical support.